
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

!! No Alchohol !!

That's the first reaction we had too.

But seriously, is it THAT big of a deal? I've gotten opinions on this from a lot of my chat room friends and so many people think that no alchohol at a wedding should cause some sort of mass hysteria. We don't drink very much. And when we do, 3 drinks and I'm sloshed. Maybe 6 for the Mr. So we're having fun with the idea and making the most of it. No one is going to drive home drunk, and no one will puke after 5 drinks and 3 games of volleyball. I think the positives are looking pretty positive, dontcha think?

It's a 3 hour wedding people! If we live in a society where you must drink at a 3 hour event, I want to have as little to do with it as possible.

So our centerpieces... vintage-looking soda pops in a galvanized bucket. Topped off with a sign "for the toasts" I can't wait to put these together, they are going to look so cute. I won't be putting them together, however. My Step Mom is doing all the pre-wedding set up. I'll put one together before.. just for fun ;)

Now look me in the face and tell me you wouldn't love to toast to our love with the pop of your pop top.
So cool.

My Mom scored big when she found a ton of those vintge looking bottle openers from a wholesale restaurant supply store

Yep. So cool.

K, so that's all on the centerpieces/ no alchohol stuff I've got for now. We only have 31 more days and I'm so excited! I just got an email from one of my bridesmaids, who is making all of the bridesmaid gifts for me. She's done! WooHoo! One more thing to check off the list!


  1. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas! Would you please post where your mom found the bottle openers? Thank you!

  2. I'm glad you have enjoyed it! I promise there is tons more, I'm still working on getting it all posted! :)

    I'm not sure of the exact site where she purchased them, but here is a site that sells the same ones for .14 a piece.

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!
